Monday, December 30, 2019

The Theory of Constraints - Problem Solving and Decision-Making Tools Free Essay Example, 4750 words

Theory of Constraints has a link with Lean manufacturing because the weakest link in an organization can cause a delay in achieving a set of goal and should be eradicated. These lean management styles should be applied in an efficient manner in order to make sure that all wastes are avoided and good results are maintained. The Theory of Constraints provides an integrated problem-solving methodology that addresses not only the constraints but also solutions, for communication and collaboration that successful implementation requires. They have been used to create powerful generic, "starting-point" solutions for various business functions, including Production, project management, distribution, supplier relations, marketing (What is the Theory of Constraints? para. 3). Theory of constraints suggests that the aim is to increase profit and to attain these possibilities are lessening inventory and decreasing operating costs. Theory of Constraints and lean manufacturing is widely used in thousands of corporations. Because these theories have proved good of the outcome, these are widely accepted and adopted around the world. The term lean management means the principles that are used for lean production. We will write a custom essay sample on The Theory of Constraints - Problem Solving and Decision-Making Tools or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The basic thought of the concept of lean manufacturing is to diminish the wastages incurred in any form in the organization. The wastages of the firm can be minimized by adopting lean management principles, such as avoiding defects in manufacture as there is no utility of defective products. Besides, overproduction which leads to excess finished stock, improper inventory control, and the inefficient production procedure etc may be avoided. The idea of Lean Management is developed by the Toyota Production Systems. The guiding principle followed by TPS reduces the time gap between the consumers order date and the delivery to the consumer. The 5S is an approach involving 5 steps which can be applied in all factories and firms to facilitate in the recognition of spontaneous stages required to control inventory, the work in progress and dispatch of finished goods.

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