Monday, December 30, 2019

The Theory of Constraints - Problem Solving and Decision-Making Tools Free Essay Example, 4750 words

Theory of Constraints has a link with Lean manufacturing because the weakest link in an organization can cause a delay in achieving a set of goal and should be eradicated. These lean management styles should be applied in an efficient manner in order to make sure that all wastes are avoided and good results are maintained. The Theory of Constraints provides an integrated problem-solving methodology that addresses not only the constraints but also solutions, for communication and collaboration that successful implementation requires. They have been used to create powerful generic, "starting-point" solutions for various business functions, including Production, project management, distribution, supplier relations, marketing (What is the Theory of Constraints? para. 3). Theory of constraints suggests that the aim is to increase profit and to attain these possibilities are lessening inventory and decreasing operating costs. Theory of Constraints and lean manufacturing is widely used in thousands of corporations. Because these theories have proved good of the outcome, these are widely accepted and adopted around the world. The term lean management means the principles that are used for lean production. We will write a custom essay sample on The Theory of Constraints - Problem Solving and Decision-Making Tools or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The basic thought of the concept of lean manufacturing is to diminish the wastages incurred in any form in the organization. The wastages of the firm can be minimized by adopting lean management principles, such as avoiding defects in manufacture as there is no utility of defective products. Besides, overproduction which leads to excess finished stock, improper inventory control, and the inefficient production procedure etc may be avoided. The idea of Lean Management is developed by the Toyota Production Systems. The guiding principle followed by TPS reduces the time gap between the consumers order date and the delivery to the consumer. The 5S is an approach involving 5 steps which can be applied in all factories and firms to facilitate in the recognition of spontaneous stages required to control inventory, the work in progress and dispatch of finished goods.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Speech Devil s Island - 1390 Words

Title: â€Å"Devil’s Island† General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Alcatraz. Thesis: This morning, I am going to tell you about the purpose of Alcatraz, some of the famous criminals that were sent there, escape attempts, and the living conditions in the prison. Introduction I. Attention Grabber: Have any of you, if you are open to admit it, ever been to prison? A. Well, I have, but not in the way you would think. B. I went voluntarily on a tour and the prison was actually Alcatraz. II. Credibility and Goodwill: I have always been interested in historic landmarks and structures, and Alcatraz has always been on the top of my list. A. Two summers ago, my family and I went on vacation to California, and one of†¦show more content†¦B. But, because of the island was isolated from other land, and because it had ice cold waters and huge waves, they decided it could be used as a place to hold captives of war. 1. A large cell house was built to hold them, and it started out with only twenty-six captives, but came to hold over four-hundred and fifty. 2. But, operational costs eventually became too high, and in 1934, the Army decided to close the prison, and ownership went to the Department of Justice. C. During this time, mobs and gangs were on the rise. 1. Alcatraz became the new home for these criminals, which was a home that no one would ever want live in. 2. It was remodeled and built so that no one could escape, or so they thought, which I’ll get to in a minute. Transition: As I said, mobs and gangs were on the rise, and this led to the imprisonment of some of the most notorious gangsters. II. According the, Alcatraz housed the likes of Machine Gun Kelly and probably the most infamous of all, Al Capone. A. Machine Gun Kelley’s favorite weapon was the Thompson machine gun, hence the name Machine Gun Kelly. 1. He became known for kidnapping Charles F. Urschel, who was a business tycoon in the oil business, and he collected a $200,000 ransom, which was close to $3,000,000 today. 2. He was eventually caught and sent to Alcatraz. B. Al Capone was one of the first inmates sent to Alcatraz. 1. He ran theShow MoreRelatedPilgrim s Progress By John Bunyan1528 Words   |  7 Pages1) Pilgrim s Progress by John Bunyan is an infamous Christian allegory and wildly considered to be the first great book of the non-secular English language. After the Bible, it was the most read book for centuries. Bunyan wrote it based on his largely Baptist, often Calvinist theology. This is evident in Pilgrim s Progress through the name choices of the main characters and his conversation with Ignorance regarding reaching the Celestial City. The major points which are total depravity, unconditionalRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare950 Words   |  4 PagesThe Tempest is a play that seems to be about a group of shipwrecked nobles, when in actuality it is a critique of the destructive effects of one group forcing its ideas on another. William Shakespeare wrote The Tempest in the early 1600’s, a time when England was beginning to assert itself as a superpower by colonizing other countries. In The Tempest Prospero is a callous character who mistreats Caliban, and as a result, Caliban becomes resentful and bitter, but unable to rule himself; ultimatelyRead MoreThe Tempest (Prospero vs. Cali1325 Words   |  6 Pagesgaze, I have chosen instead to concentrate on viewing Caliban as the monster he is portrayed to be, due to other characters that are not human, but are treated in a more humane fashion than Caliban. Before we meet Caliban, we meet Ariel, Prospero#8217;s trusting spirit. Even though Ariel is not h uman either, he is treated kindly and lovingly by his master who calls him #8220;my quaint Ariel.#8221; Caliban, on the other hand, is called a #8220;tortoise#8221; and a #8220;poisonous slave#8221; byRead MorePuritans, Quakers, And Witchcraft1416 Words   |  6 PagesModel of Christian Charity† and had everyone sign an agreement. The agreement consisted of working together when they reached the new world. Finding success in good planning, substantial capital, and political influence back in England. Winthrop s core goal, was simple; to create a society out of a tight knit community of towns that were to be economically, politically, and religiously prosperous. Thereby, being a model to the world by adopting the image to the colony was a â€Å"City upon a Hill†Read MoreComparing Power in The Tempest and Othello1801 Words   |  8 Pagesdivinity of hell, the devil incarnate; it is his facades of honesty, subtle powers of manipulation and personal control over Othell os life that encapsulate his evil ways. This is similar to how Hazlett argues â€Å"Prospero has a devilish ability to craft†. This demonstrates that Prospero and Iago have similar devilish qualities, this associates with power since the devil is controlling, potent and manipulative. Ironically, Prospero’s judgement of Caliban is â€Å"A devil, a born devil, on whose nature NurtureRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Tragicomedy The Tempest1935 Words   |  8 Pagesintertextuality to enhance ideas about natural order. Banished to an island, Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, conjures up a tempest that brings him his usurping brother, Antonio in an attempt to restore his Dukedom. The play’s amalgamation of tragicomedy and the pastoral genre allows Shakespeare to warn his audience about unbalance, criticising the lavish lifestyle of his Jacobean audience and emphasizing the opportunity of redemption. The island is the setting for this redemption to take place, a nd anRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare Essay1940 Words   |  8 Pagesof the magical Prospero, Caliban is also noticeably the only known native of the island in which Prospero and his daughter have inhabited since â€Å"their betrayal† a decade plus before. According to Caliban himself (and also Prospero and Ariel), he is the offspring of a witch who’s name is Sycorax. â€Å"Yes, Caliban, her son.† (338, Act I Scene II) Sycorax, along with Caliban, was one of the few natives of the secluded island and was a very powerful witch. Several interpretations of Sycorax are widespreadRead MoreThe Sacredness Of Devils Tower Essay2277 Words   |  10 Pages The Sacredness of Devils Tower GEOG-4563 Bianca Hill 11-15-2016 â€Æ' â€Å"They say that there were children playing in the woods. Eight children- seven sisters and their brother. And the boy was pretending to be a bear and he was chasing his sisters through the woods, and they were pretending to be frightened. And in the course of the game, the boy actually turned into a bear. It was a terrible thing. The sisters, when they saw that, were truly terrified and they ran for their lives, the bear afterRead MoreThe White Man s Burden By William Wordsworth2469 Words   |  10 Pageswhat they should do. â€Å"Half-devil and half-child†, is showing the inferiority between the â€Å"pure† Europeans. â€Å"Patience†, â€Å"veil the threat of terror†, â€Å"check the show of pride†, â€Å"open speech†, â€Å"simple†, â€Å"profit†, and â€Å"gain† are phrases of the whites of having to show restraint. â€Å"Gain†, gives a connotation of accusing satirically towards the non-Europeans. In oth er words, the Europeans believe that they are showing restraint and are able to â€Å"gain† by helping the â€Å"Half-devil†. This next stanza illustratesRead MoreThe Tempest And Ceasire s Play A Tempest2170 Words   |  9 Pages ​Cesarie s version of Shakespeare play The Tempest is a postcolonial response that focuses on the point of view of the enslaved characters Ariel and Caliban. Cesarie emphasizes the racial significant that leads to colonial politics. In cesarie s version the tension between prospero and Caliban are more evident. Caliban is more vocal about his hate for Prospero and is quite aggressive in expressing it. The dynamics between Prospero and Caliban s relationship is imperative in

Friday, December 13, 2019

Early Intervention in North Carolina Free Essays

Early Intervention In North Carolina â€Å"Early intervention is a term that often is used to describe specific agencies, programs, services, and resources. In North Carolina, early Intervention has been described as a system of services provided by many different agencies and programs for children birth to five and their families. The system is for students who are having difficulties In the general education classroom but has not been placed Into the special education class. We will write a custom essay sample on Early Intervention in North Carolina or any similar topic only for you Order Now This comprehensive, interagency system is called Together We Grow. Together We Grow has two parts 1) – the Infant-Toddler Program for children birth to three 2) the Preschool Program for children ages three to five. † The early intervention system of services is provided under federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Part C of the IDEA provides the federal mandate for services for young children. North Carolina Early Intervention Branch (NCEI) Is a part of the N. C. Division of Public Health and is the lead agency for the Infant Toddler Program (ITP). Research has found this to be the critical time to offer positive opportunities for child development. The state of North Carolina offers eighteen Children’s Developmental Services Agencies (CDAs) across the state and they work with local services to improve the children success. Together We Grow (ITP) serves families whose children have certain levels of developmental delay or conditions. They offer Service Coordination Physical, occupational and speech-language therapies Family support Special instruction Assistive technology Other services Basic safeguards are providing to secure confidentiality of the passing of the child information. Together We Grow Preschool Program: â€Å"In February 2010, Superintendent June Atkinson created NCDPIS Office of Early Learning to implement a strategic focus on the Pre-K – Grade 3 learning continuum and its impact on high school graduation. NCDPl’s focus on Pre-K through Grade 3 alignment of standards, curriculum, Instructional practices and assessment maximizes learning gains for children throughout these early grades, providing a trong academic foundation that leads to improved high school graduation rates. There are many services that are offered within the Early Intervention program. How to cite Early Intervention in North Carolina, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Crucible - The Difference Between Law and Justice free essay sample

Are law and justice the same thing? Many believe the idea that if one disobeys the law, they must be brought to justice. However, this isn’t always the case. The fact that there is law permitting or forbidding an act that does not determine that it is right or wrong. While justice is meant to be administered with the utmost fairness and equality, Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible demonstrates that this does not always prevail. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the citizens of Salem seem to think that law and justice are the same thing. However, this is not true. In act three, Danforth says â€Å"You must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. This is a sharp time, now, a precise time—we live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world. Now, by God’s grace, the shining sun is up, and them that fear not light will surely praise it (Danforth, 90). † When Danforth says this, it shows that he believes that unless someone was ruling with the court, then they were against it, and therefore, evil. Clearly, Salem does not practice separation of church and state, which at the time made for a lot of bigotry and religious-driven harm and persecution. Because the Bible says that any female that commits the sin of lechery should be stoned to death, that does not make it humane or justified. The citizens of Salem seem to lack the ability to comprehend that. An underlying theme within The Crucible is theocracy; God is supposedly the ultimate leader, judge, and arbiter. The way Salem sees it, God needs men on earth to instill justice in the lives of the citizens of earth. Hathorne, Danforth, Parris, and Hale were all part of that system. Though it seems that only those who confessed to having committed grave sins against God, along with those who refused to confess had a sense of that justice. Salem believed that God was speaking through the girls to bring to light crimes that would have been invisible otherwise. â€Å"But witchcraft is ipso facto, on its face and by its nature, an invisible crime, is it not? Therefore, who may possibly be to witness it? The witch and the victim. None other. Now we cannot hope the witch to accuse herself; granted? Therefore we must rely upon her victims—and they do testify, the children certainly to testify. As for the witches, none will deny that we are most eager for all their confessions. Therefore, what is left for a lawyer to bring out? I think I have made my point. Have I not (Danforth, 96)? † In this quote, Danforth explains that only the children would know of witchcraft in the town and that they have no other way of knowing the crime is committed. He was clearly ignorant, as Abigail and the girls she has convinced to play along were only children and teenagers. They would most definitely crave attention at their age, and would take advantage of any form of it that they could get. The court appears to overlook this and takes the word of the girls throughout most of the play. Not a single one of the accusations during the Salem Witch Trials is done out of fear. Each and every single one of them is due to a character attempting to preserve their own reputation or as an attempt to achieve their own selfish ambitions. And aside from this, Danforth chose to overlook several things that would prove the accused to be innocent, or at least give reason to doubt what the accusers are saying. It seems that the accusers are always right, no matter what the circumstances of the accusations. It is tossed aside that Abigail and John had an affair because Danforth and Hathorne did everything in their power to avoid believing the affair happened. It is overlooked that Putnam clearly wants Giles Corey’s land, and he conveniently accuses the man of witchcraft. When one is accused of witchcraft, their land is sold for a much smaller sum than it is worth. Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnam of being an opportunist of the worst kind, as his land would be sold and Putnam would have the first opportunity to buy it. â€Å"My proof is there! Pointing to the paper. If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit his property—that’s law! And there is none but Putnam with the coin to buy so great a piece. This man is killing his neighbors for their land (Corey, 92)! † Francis Nurse attempts time and time again to bring evidence to the court but he is unable to present it. The obvious reasoning for this is that Danforth is worried about his reputation. He has too much pride to admit that he believes Abigail and Tituba and the others that brought accusations against the innocent people of Salem. Instead, Danforth would rather those who had done nothing wrong, suffer in his place for his ignorance and selfishness. So perhaps, Danforth did have a sense of justice as the accused did, but he would rather keep quiet about it because his own reputation is more important than the lives of others. The â€Å"justice† system in Salem is based on religious belief, more than the actual law. This being true, the evidence is largely supernatural, and therefore cannot be countered with reason or hard evidence. The only people that had to prove their case are those that disagree with the accusers. Accusers are automatically assumed to be telling the truth and do not need an ounce of proof. They may be questioned, but they are always considered right. This type of law is not ethical in today’s justice system; innocent until proven guilty. While Salem has a form of law, there is no sense of justice in the community.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Untitled Essay Research Paper From Village to free essay sample

Untitled Essay, Research Paper From Village to City Over the old ages of history, there have been many civilisations. We will look at the earliest of all civilisations known to adult male. From Village to City began in 8000BC and spanned all the manner into 3000BC. Throughout this study we will look at the 6 cardinal characteristics of this civilisation as outlined in our schoolroom treatments, and hope to convey what we have learned in a utile, and interesting manner. The development of a metropolis: The first metropolis to be built was Jericho, in the Middle East Map: This map is a image of what the division of land would hold looked like in those times. Clearly identified here, it is possible to see Babylon, Ur, and Eridu. ? Microsoft Encarta? 95. ( Appendix 1 ) . Sumer at this clip evolved into the largest city state, established by a people known as the Ubaidians. The development of the metropolis, allowed for rapid population growing due to the copiousness of nutrient. We will write a custom essay sample on Untitled Essay Research Paper From Village to or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sheep, caprine animal and hogs had been originally domesticated for usage as nutrient, non as beginnings of vesture. The chief economic activity during this clip was trade and swap. Obsidian, a volcanic glass was fashioned into razor crisp tools and arms. It was besides used as trade. Peoples who lived near Obsidian sedimentations frequently risked their lives to roll up it and finally barter it off for nutrient or money. Obsidian comes from vents and was a sort of glass, the merely of the times. The value of Obsidian was great, and so hence was the supply and demand. Salt, ore, Cu, and soaprock were accepted trade stuffs around 8000BC. Most of the Village to City civilisation took topographic point during the Cu age, when Cu was mined and used for many intents. Trade developed between different metropoliss, Jericho, Sumer, Adab, Eridu, Isin, Kish, Kullab, Lagash, Larsa, Nippur and Ur. Most of the trade consisted of farm animal and other things such as arms and nutrient. Sumerians c onstructed big temples called Ziggurats. These temples were the focal point of spiritual activities in towns. They were made of sundried clay bricks that eroded easy. Not many of these remain today. Near 4000BC, urban societies included, husbandmans, Herders, merchandisers, craftsmans, priests, debitors, creditors and societal leaders. Economic authorization in that clip took the signifier of revenue enhancement aggregation, creditors and debitors. Civil authorization was created with the usage of Hammurabi codification. Hammurabi Code is in a manner the articulation of values. It reflects the manner they believed that affairs should be handled from their times. This codification is a aggregation of the Torahs and edicts of the Babylonian King Hammurabi. King Hammurabi? s codification covers everything from loans, sedimentations and personal hurt to domestic belongings and household rights. It contains no Torahs for faith, but the condemnable jurisprudence is comparable to the Semit ic jurisprudence of # 8220 ; an oculus for an eye. # 8221 ; This codification was peculiarly humane for its clip. However, leftovers of King Hammurabi? s Code of Laws are still present in today? s society. Many people believe that the Capital Punishment contention day of the months back to King Hammurabi. Capital Punishment has been outlawed in Canada, nevertheless it is still in consequence as the chief beginning of disincentive and for cleaning up the streets in many states i.e. the U.S.A. ( in some provinces ) . Division of Labor: Since there had been husbandmans, merchandisers, etc. , a division of labor was present. As bow said, there were many occupation functions that had to be fulfilled, for the society to map. There was no existent specific information sing the usage of gender functions. However, there were certain functions that were male merely, such as huntsman and husbandman, and other that were designated for females ; namingly cookery and cleansing. Class constructi on developed as the metropoliss grew larger. Leaderships and civil authorization were in a higher category than that of the regular citizens. In this clip period besides there was bondage. Slaves, to which subsequently became more normally known as? Serfs? . Development of Writing: Wedge: Given above is some text which has been written in the signifier of Cuneus. It is engraved in a rock tablet as they had non discovered paper. ? Microsoft Encarta? 95. ( Appendix 2 ) . The first signifier of composing known, was cuneiform. In cuneiform each symbol represented a word. This authorship was developed around 3000BC, and lasted until the first century. With this development it allowed for the continuity in beliefs and Hel ped keep business and legal records. The same writing gave us a very good insight into their culture, and way of life today. Cuneus, Latin for wedge, was given this name because the symbols appear wedge shaped. This writing has been found on clay, stone, metals and wax. Earlier forms of these were pictographs, but this became too difficult, which led to the use of lines instead. Cuneiform also helped with the continuity of traditions, and passing on of heritage. Art: Urn: This Urn clearly shows the importance that art played in their lives. By this time period they had already invented the potters wheel. ? Microsoft Encarta ?95. (Appendix 3). Art was very popular during these times. This terra-cotta urn demonstrated that this culture enjoyed arts as an entertainment, use for burial or as barter. Architecture was demonstrated with the early construction of Ziggurats. House walls were plastered and sometimes painted. These same Ziggurats were used for worshipping in, and was consider ed a sacred place. Technological Advancements: The Wheel: The artifacts above are the actual first wheels that were ever invented. After the first? wheels came more advanced theories. ? Microsoft Encarta ?95. (Appendix 4). The wheel originated in early Mesopotamia around 3000BC. It was a great technological achievement. This allowed for easier travel as the wheeled cart replaced the wedge as a means of transport. Also, with the invention of the wheel came a wider trade area, increasing a civilizations reach into other areas. Seen here in the above picture, are some of the earliest models of the wheel known to man. The very first wheel that was constructed was made with the use of ball bearings on the inner portion of the wheel, which is actually a quite advanced theory. Ball bearings are commonly used today for many things. Also, Grass was harvested for seeds, with a sickle made up of flint blades set into wood. Obsidian was fashioned into sharp arrowheads and weapons. Rocks were us ed to crush grain for baking, and hammers were used to construct buildings. All theses tools allowed for better harvests and shaping of the environment. The Environmental Impact: Tools: Given in this picture are many of the early tools used for cultivating, farming, and grinding wheat. ? Microsoft Encarta ?95. (Appendix 5). Village to City populations affected the environment negatively. They over-cultivated the land, when they discovered harvesting. In some cases this was so severe, that it instigated the process of desertification. Since the technological level was not as sophisticated as other civilizations, the environment was not polluted, just over-used. This ultimately led to the downfall of some cities. It became increasingly harder to grow because the land was tired and could no longer produce the proper vitamins the plants needed to survive. Some cultures had to rely solely on the barter system and livestock reproduction for food. Conclusion: Many aspects of the Village to City civilization can be found still in today?s modern society. One of the most valuable inventions was the wheel, presently we see wheels everywhere. We would not have cars, planes, computers, literally anything can be derived from these early ancestors. The people in that time made many important discoveries, many of which are being used to date. Furthermore, if it weren?t for the advancements that were made up from our ancestors of long ago, we no doubt not be where we are today. We must ask ourselves, when they invented, did they comprehend the repercussions of their developments? In other words, did they realize that they were changing history as we know it forever. If it were not for these early inventors surely we would not be as advanced as we are now. Bibliography: 1. Davis, M. Dale. Civilizations in History. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada ?, 1947. 2. Brown, Dale and Edmond White. The First of Men. 2nd edition Toronto: Time-Life? Books ? 1973. 3. Aiello, Leslie. T he Origins of Man. 2nd Edition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall ? Books ?, 1982. 4. Gibson, Dwight L., Terry G. Murphy, Fredrick E. Jarman and Derek Grant. All About Law. 3rd Edition. Toronto: John Wiley Sons Canada ?, 1990. 5. â€Å"Sumerian Civilization†, and â€Å"Sumerian Culture†. Microsoft Encarta. CD-ROM. Micromedia. ?, 1994. 6. Haberman, Arthur and Ian Hundey. Civilizations. Toronto: Gage Books ?, 1993.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Howard Phillips The Constitution Party essays

Howard Phillips The Constitution Party essays Howard Phillips is classified as a family man. He is married to Peggy Phillips and has six children ranging in age from 13 to 34, and 12 grandchildren. Phillips is, like many politicians, well educated from a well known ivy-league university. He is a 1962 graduate of Harvard College where he was twice elected president of the Student Council. In 1974 Phillips left the Republican Party after twenty years of being a precinct worker, election warden, campaign manager, Congressional aide, Boston Republican Chairman, and assistant to the Chairman of the Republican National Committee (not simultaneously). Phillips headed two Federal agencies under the Nixon Administration. Phillips ended his Executive Branch career as Director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity in the Executive Office of the President. Phillips resigned frrom this position when President Nixon reneged on his commitment to veto further funding for "Great Society" programs. After his resignation in 1974, Phillips has been Chairman of TCC, a non-partisan, nationwide grass-roots public policy advocacy group which has provided leadership in opposition to the Panama Canal and Carter-Brezhnev SALT II treaties during the 1970's. TCC want's to preserve the U.S. military presence at Panama, deploy SDI, eliminate the graduated income tax, and to eliminate Federal subsidies to ideological activist Phillips is President of the Policy Analysis, Inc. (PAI), a for-profit consulting firm which provides strategy, management, research, and training services. The "Howard Phillips Issues" and "Strategy Bulletin" are bi-monthly bulletins published by Phillips' PAI. Phillips has published four books: The New Right at Harvard (1983), Moscow's Challenge to U.S. Vital Interests in Sub-Saharan Africa (1987), The Next Four Years (1992), and Victory 2000 (1999) ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

BHS 220 Case 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BHS 220 Case 5 - Essay Example It is denoted H1. Citing the previous example an alternative hypothesis can be represented as follows. Statement of the research question – the moment a researcher identifies a research problem. He/she comes up with an exhaustive research question that will enable him/her to carry out a rigorous process. This enables him to also identify parameters as well as variables to be used in the sample data collection. Formulation of the null and alternative hypothesis – at this level the researcher states the null and alternative hypothesis. For example, if we wish to test if the graduating age of a graduate is 24, then Compute the rejection region – here the p-value which is the probability of the test statistic is calculated for both tails. This value is compared with the value from the tables at the level of significance selected in step 2 above. If the probability is less than or equal to the significance level, then the null hypothesis is rejected and the opposite is true. Stating conclusions – the first statement should describe the results of the null hypothesis and those of the alternative hypothesis, stating whether we rejected the null hypothesis or not. The second statement should refer to the research question deducing respective inferences based on the outcome of the null hypothesis. In this case the first step will be specifying the null and the alternative hypothesis. Then choose the level of significance to be used and compute the test statistic. Compute the probability of the test statistic which is the p-value on both tails. This will give you a basis for rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis (rejection region). Lastly, deduce vivid and realistic conclusions from the outcome of the null

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

NTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

NTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS - Essay Example This study will analyse the usefulness of a sustainable product in the market and the method of producing that product in a sustainable way. The study will also show the marketing approach that will be necessary to use in terms of distribution, design and its effect to the environment. Dixie chemical company is located at Bay Area in Pasadena and aims at creative chemistry as well as being committed to its customers. It deals with research and development projects, quality control and a pilot plant that is capable of maintaining good processes in production units around the area. Being part of the American Chemical Council (ACC) the above company has been ranked as the best in both manufacturing of quality products and marketing products of high purity and pharmaceuticals (Holmberg and Robert 2000, p. 300). The company is involved with offering various services to its customers that include the provision of products information about the technical use of the product and how to use the end product in a unique way. The company also manufactures products that customers prefer for instance after a contact has been made between the client and the producer for this to happen, there have to be built confidence between the two parties. The company also helps in producing fuel at a low price which leads to less pollution to the environment. Atomic Company mostly concentrates on the production of chemicals and their by products. Nuclear power plants have recently been so useful since one needs to use a small amount of fuel as compared to other types of fuel. In the nuclear reaction, processes are conducted depending on the type of fuel produced. This process needs enough care to avoid polluting the environment through radiation gases. Use of these power plants has continuously gained competitive advantage in the market as its products are cheap and do not cause and pollution to air or water. Last month the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Marketing project Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing project - Coursework Example Lipton tea was founded by the late 19th century. The founder of Lipton tea was Sir Thomas Lipton. He resided in Glasgow, Scotland. His organization made its mark gradually across Britain and then throughout the world. Lipton Tea came under the acquisition of the Unilever organization after a lot of transactions in the year 1972. Unilever is the main source that brought the Lipton business at a global level (Lipton | Unilever Global, 2010). There was a strong forecast in the year 2005 that the tea industry will be growing at a rapid rate in the coming years and analysis shows that the tea industry has been growing at a fast rate with still opportunities available for further growth with innovations and changing market trends occurring. Lipton Ice Tea has to be rejuvenated in the markets of United Kingdom with a new look and ad so that it can attract a lot of customers. There is a high market of tea lovers in the United Kingdom and it is because of two major factors. The first one is the need for consumers and secondly the health benefits provided by tea. The main competitor present for Lipton Ice Tea is the Nestle Refreshment Company. They have their product line of Nestle Ice tea in different flavors and it is a tough competitor for Lipton Ice Tea. The Nestle Refreshment Company also has agreements with Soda Company like Lipton- Unilever. The budgeting is allocated according to the promotional tools being used in the advertising plan of Lipton Ice Tea. The most successful and trustworthy methods of advertising are TV Ads, print ads, billboards, flyers and others. The advertising methods used have to be applied at the required level and therefore the advertising distribution would be as follows. While evaluating the advertising budget allocation for Lipton Tea, the projections of the organization should be carefully reviewed. The profiles of the target market should be reviewed and then the budget should be set

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Reflective Report Audit Trail Nursing Essay

The Reflective Report Audit Trail Nursing Essay I wish to reflect on the whole learning activities that I have been done for this module in this reflective report. I have learned a few strengths and potential weaknesses of myself which would help me in my future journey. I derive five important skills while go through this process which are communication skills, presentation skills, teamwork, time management and critical thinking. All these skills are useful for me to uncover my strengths and weaknesses which I can refer back on my working life. Communication skills This is not my first time doing a presentation, but it is the first time I have a group with the international students. Normally, my group members are my Chinese friends. At first, I found it was difficult to talk with my group members and to express my ideas. I did a lot of simple grammar mistakes and I am always the one who talks too little during our discussions. I think my group members are having problem to understand what I am saying. Therefore, I felt distressed and anxious for coming to discussions. However, they have given me ample opportunities to learn to communicate my points and thoughts. According to Collins and Miller (1994), self-disclosure is the act of disclosing personal information to another people. To develop a good communication in a relationship, self-disclosure is one of the important mechanisms. I believed that a good relationship is based on trust so I decided to let my group members to know things about myself. I remember feeling uncomfortable when I did some of the mistakes, but my group members were not judgemental and helped me to solve the problem. After this, I felt that by sharing opinion and thought with each other can really strengthen my confidence. I am glad that the wall which blocking me from communicate with others had been removed and I am able to speak out my opinion now. As pointed out by one of my lecturer, Mr Mahathir, good communication in the workplace will maximise work efficiency. From his past experiences, I learn that we must not being shy to meet the boss because the boss is the one who evaluate our performance in the workplace. Having good communication might also benefit me in my later on working life as I can ask for help from colleagues when having problems. Presentation skills Although I managed to finish my speech during first presentation, I think my performance was not very well. Overall presentation as a group was good because my group members presented confidently and able to provide convincing answers when questions were asked by the tutor. I definitely found that a presenter must have great knowledge of the topic so that he can elaborate it by himself without looking at notes. I had a problem with this in my presentation. I involved all the information in such a limited presentation. I think I should make the information more relevant to the audience in my future presentations. Besides that, nervousness is a major problem for me. It wasnt my first time to speak in the public but I still felt nervous and resulted in me left out some parts that I was going to say. I think that it can be solved with experience and confidence. Therefore, I should overcome this weakness. After a couple weeks of practicing, this was reflected during my presentation as I was successful in explaining the proposed solutions to my peers. I made eye contact with the audience, and was able to acquire their attention towards my presentation. Hence, I would say that I think I did above average for my presentation and I am happy with my performance. However, I do believe that there is still much room for improvement such as research more tools (eg Youtube) to use and make it simplistic yet complex. Since I have had rehearsals for a couple of times, I believed that I was well prepared for my presentation. This resulted in one of the main strengths of my presentation was that my verbal messages were presented quite fluently. Also, I felt that I projected my voice effectively throughout my presentation and this is really the main cause of my satisfaction with my presentation. This is because I have received feedback from my classmates that the volume of my voice was not loud enough when I was speaking. I am glad that I have managed to speak at an appropriate volume. I liked my slides as well, as I felt that its simple layout was easy on the eyes and yet, it still managed to be visually attractive. I realise that the delivery of the presentation is important for its success and the key to delivering a good presentation is practice, confidence, have an interest and knowledge of the topic, not memorized the whole things. I have reflected on my strengths and weaknesses, and I am ready to perform better in the near future. Teamwork Working in group can be more trouble as conflicts may occur during discussion; however, I think it provided an opportunity for us to understand other peoples point of view. This exactly happened in my group as we always discuss the questions together at first. Each of us had different opinions so that the end result will be a combination of best ideas. I am glad that we were able to finish our presentations quickly yet maintain good quality. I learned that communication, trust and leadership are the three main components of a strong teamwork skill. Good communication enables the group to perform well and each member must trust one another so that progress can be made efficiently. A team without a leader will result in fail. This module has contributed the improvement of my teamwork skills. I have learned to be an effective team member which requires active participation in group discussions. Through the group presentations, I believe that my experience can be readily applied into future working environment because high level of teamwork is important in todays workplace. Overall it has been very learning experience for me because teamwork allows me to be involved and participate in equal ways. This helps to broaden my thinking to achieve the best outcomes and able to collaborate with others in the future. Time management One of the major challenges that I faced is time management. Time management is one of the skills that no one will teach you in school but you have to learn it. I was the worst procrastinator because I would put things off until the very last minute. That turned into me having a lot of late work, or not very good quality work. One of my lecturers had mentioned that, When it comes to time management it is important to find a system that works for you. I think that I could improve my time management skills making a schedule. It was very beneficial to keep a schedule. Instead of cramming everything all at once, set a schedule helped me to get better grades. I believe that as mentioned earlier, having a calendar that states those deadlines will help motivate me because all the deadlines are visibly in sight. I can also track the progress of my assignments by categorizing the tasks and see which stages I am in at the current progress. I have to always remember that we may delay, but time will not. I believe that proper planning is the key to managing my time well. With proper planning, I can prepare to take on the task mentally. Thus, time management is a very valuable skill in todays society.   Critical Thinking As for critical thinking, Taylor (1992) stated that it is a result of reflecting on ones learning and developing a meta-awareness by reflecting on ones thoughts, feelings and actions. Critical thinking is considered to be one of the most important indicators of student learning quality. For me, I learned to think critically when I was doing the report. I analysed the issues and gave evidence to support my opinions. I have learned a lot of critical thinking through doing this report. Although it is not an easy experience but it helped me to understand the pros and cons of every possible outcome and to value them according to the goals that I wanted to achieve. When I apply critical thinking concepts in the workplace, I will develop more ideas, make fewer mistakes and reach better decision. We know that not only the managers have the responsibility of taking decisions, but people at all levels into an organisation may also call to face and resolve problems. I think it also has a good impact on the relationship between colleagues. By using critical thinking, I can enjoy the benefits throughout my life in the future. (1500 words)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Salingers Franny and Zoey Essay -- J.D. Salinger Franny Zoey Essays

Salinger's Franny and Zoey It is the consensus of most critics that Seymour Glass is the most important character and the leader of the Glass family. This is a point that is obvious from the stories that Salinger has written about the Glass family. Seymour is looked up to and revered by all the children in the family and is his mothers â€Å"favorite, most intricately calibrated, her kindest son†(Franny 89). When catastrophe strikes in Franny and Zooey, the only person Franny wants to talk to is Seymour. Why is Seymour the most important person in the Glass family? Seymour is the eldest child. Therefore, all will come after him. In a sense, nothing new can be done after Seymour has done it. All that is left is to imitate and learn from the child genius. This is what all the Glass children seem to do. In Franny and Zooey, we learn that Seymour and Buddy educated all of the children. Together, the eldest boys of the Glass family taught their siblings literature, philosophy, and religion. Seymour was also looked up to and relied upon by the children of his family. In Seymour: an Introduction, we learn that Seymour and Buddy were both active in taking care of their younger siblings but there was a slight difference in the reactions of the children to each of them. Buddy says: When Seymour told one of the twins †¦to take off his or her rubbers on coming into the apartment, each and all of them knew he mostly mean that the floor would get tracked up if they didn’t and that Bessie would have to get out the mop. When I told them to take off their rubbers, they knew I mostly meant that people who didn’t were slobs. (193-194) This is an important difference because it shows how bo... ... learn from. He exists to teach us a lesson. This is why he is the family storyteller. He is our teacher, our example, and our leader. What is the lesson we are to learn from him? Maybe only Salinger knows that for certain but I believe Salinger would have us each search out our own â€Å"pieces of holy ground†. He would have us all find our one true thing we are to do, even if it is only to go to teach in a small classroom with less than average writers, as is Buddy’s holy ground, or to live alone and write for only yourself, as is Salinger’s holy ground. He would have us all admit to ourselves what it is we are supposed to do and go out and do it instead of forever complaining and searching for better. Through Buddy, Salinger is trying to give us his version of the meaning of life. The ultimate message: Find your holy ground, there lies happiness and truth.